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Your SPC investment advisor representative has the tools to help you define your financial goals and to reach them. Your investment advisor representative has the experience, resources, knowledge and back-office support to provide you with the investments suitable to help you accomplish your goals based on your feelings about investments, tolerance for risk, and your family dynamics. If you have any questions about your current financial situation or wish to schedule an appointment, send us an email or give us a call at 734-663-1611. Sigma Planning Corporation, SPC, is a registered investment advisor, offering fee-based investment advisory services. We live by our motto: Financial Planning Today... for Financial Freedom Tomorrow!
This financial freedom is accomplished by:
Appropriate asset allocation of the consolidated investment portfolio
Consistent monitoring process
Disciplined rebalancing and reallocation
With benefits to you for:
Full service and personal attention
Professional money management
Personalized investment portfolio
Multiple investment choices
Detailed statements and performance reports
Periodic reviews
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